Friday, April 6, 2007

Offshoring the Corner Office ???

The link below leads you to an excellent article. It explains how Globalization is creating a shift in the country from which senior management operates

Though the article discusses the phenomenon of senior management team operating in different locations to capitalize on business opportunites, the idea of moving decision making jobs to low-cost locations is increasingly debated in mainstream media.

George David, Chairman of United Technologies, a Fortune 50 company, had earned $88 million in compensation in 2005. He had jokingly suggested outsourcing his own job to India.

The advent of KPO as a business model has increasingly made analytics based decision making "outsourceable". Technology has reduced distance. Travel has become faster and easier.

In such a scenario, it may not be long before boards demand outsourcing management jobs to the country with a vast pool of high quality managers - India.

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