Monday, April 9, 2007

Bangalore - the new home to IBM's Chief HR Officer ??

The Economist carries an interesting article:
Hungry Tiger, Dancing Elephant - How India is changing IBM's world

The article analyzes how IBM is changing its business strategy to take advantage of the talent-pool available in India. India is fast becoming the country that houses the maximum number of IBM employees. IBM's business in India is growing @ 40% to 50%. IBM has realized that to compete with top-tier Indian companies it needs to leverage the global service delivery model (pioneered by Tata Consultancy Services - India's largest IT services company) - the model comprising of onsite, offshore and nearshore business development centres.

People who have worked at some point in time in the Indian software industry would know that TCS has a much better and robust business model when compared to the other top-tier companies. Its clientile, focus on innovation and creation of knowledge assets, best-in-class processes, and a deep talent pool have placed it in a strong position to leverage the opportunites that globalization creates, without eroding its short-term competitiveness.

IBM's chief procurement officer John Paterson moved office to China. (Read

I would not be surprised if within the next couple of years, IBM's Chief HR Officer moves office to Bangalore...

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